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Information on traffic access

Access MAP

Google Map

Hotel Name

Yufuin Ryokan Seikoen


1208-1 Kawakami, Yufuin Town, Yufu City, Oita Prefecture

Telephone number



Yufuin IC less than 10 minutes by car from Yufuin IC.5 - 10 minutes by taxi from Yufuin station.

google map code : 269 389 337*11

Free pick up, & when using by car

  • Free pickup

    The hotel is located from JR Yufuin station to the hotel
    We are offering free transfer.
    ◆From the JR Yufuin station on the day of stay
     Transfer to the hotel will be taken.

    ※Golden Week (May 3rd to 5th), Obon (August 10th to 12th), New Year's (December 30th to January 2nd)
     Pick-up may not be possible due to traffic congestion.

    ~How to Use~
    ·Please call in advance to make a reservation.

    ~Pick-up time~
    ·Check In: 15:00 to 17:00
    ·Check Out: 8: 40-10: 00

    ·Up to 7 people

    ★I will pick you up with a light blue car.
     There is a logo on the side of the car as "Yufuin Ryokan Seikoen"
     Please be marked.
  • When using a car

    Access: From Fukuoka
    Kyushu Expressway to Tosu JCT
    Tosu JCT entered Oita Road from Tosu JCT, to Yufuin IC.
    Yufuin IC arrive at less than 10 minutes by car from Yufuin IC.

    ◆Directions from Yufuin IC
    ① Take the Yufuin IC and go straight ahead at the first traffic light.
    ② Pass the Yufuin Road Station and turn right at the next traffic light.
    ③ Go straight down the slope.
    ④ Pass the cosmos of the pharmacy too much and turn left at the second traffic light.
    ④ There is a sign on the left side.
    ⑤ Go into a narrow path and climb the slope.
     (※The hotel is on the left.)
